your teams

Help them stay united, focused,
aligned and high-performing


Collaboration at work

An ideal breakout session for a conference or meeting, this workshop introduces true collaboration to build the foundations for a high-performing team.

The program can be delivered in one block or as 3 or 4 shorter sessions. Teams can also work in sub-groups with each group learning a complimentary rhythm, before bringing all the participants together in a plenary session.

Discover the other LIVE Events:

Impact Talk

Impact Experience

Leadership Development

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The Impact

  • Get your team feeling as one, fully connected with each other

  • Foster focus and collaboration

  • Break down silos

  • Align the team behind the mission, vision and company values

  • Create a positive culture through a shared experience


Impact Stories



These companies lived the experience …



Get in touch with us and find out how Doug can grow collaboration in your team or community.
